So many churches are in the dilemma of trying to figure out
what to do with their church app. Yes,
donations have increased and some people use the app, but others in the church
are completely frustrated with the experience and won’t use it at all.
While there are many church apps out there creating these
issues, the root cause typically boils down to one main problem: The church app
you’re using was never designed for your church members.
One case in point is the frustration of getting an email from
your church only to find out that you have to log on to the app to read the
entire email. Are you kidding me (this is what a church member thinks)? Why would a church app (or any app for that
matter) force it’s users to do that? Most likely it’s because the church is
trying to track and store all of these responses. While that may make sense to paid staff, your
members aren’t having it.
Churches need to rethink their apps. Why have an app? What
features do they have on their app? Are these features built for our members or
only for our staff? Shouldn’t we be focused on our members?
Instead of trying to build useless reports you’ll never use
for your church. Focus instead on connectivity, interactions, and speed. Most
churches can store and chart enormous amounts of data while still watching
their church attendance and church giving
shrink. Yet, an effective church app can have the opposite impact. As people
share the things happening at your church, the attendance grows. As the app
makes it easier for your members to give, your church giving improves. And as
communication through the app, community is built.
Rethink your church app and find one that focuses on your
members first.